Patch Message

オレ的に関連のありそうなところだけ抜粋だ =D 原文は長いので、以前に書いた変更予定関連のは省略します。

  • グループ EXP ボーナスの変更と、一部 PoP Zone の EXP 取得量変更
  • EXP 取得可能幅の変更
  • 同一アカウント内の Shared Bank スロットの追加
  • Spell Context Menu の追加
  • Spell Set の追加
  • Spell Description の追加
  • 新しいカメラアングルの追加、マウスホイールで何かできるらしい
  • NPC の名前に [Tailor Supplies] のような、何の店員なのか判別できるようなタグを追加
  • キャラクター選択画面でクラッシュしていたバグを修正
  • Guild Message 関連の修正
  • Legend での Droga / Nurga の修正
  • Veksar の追加
  • PoP Zone の Zone In 条件の緩和
  • Trade Skill 専用 ITEM に、わかりやすいようにフラグを追加


Spell level limits now enforced - Some high level spells cannot be cast on characters under a certain level. In the past a caster could get around this level restriction when casting a group version of a spell by targeting a higher level group member, and the spell would take effect on the whole group, regardless of their level. That loophole has been closed. We're sorry if you have grown accustomed to the system working this way, but those level restrictions are important to the integrity of lower level gameplay.

今までは、詠唱対象にレベル制限があったスペルもグループ組めば詠唱できていたのだが(例えば、Heroic Bond をグループを組んでいれば LV 1 に詠唱できた)、それをできないように修正した。おまいら、自分のレベルに応じた適切な Buff でプレイしやがれ、このチンカスども!!ってことだな。

Incineration and Conglaciation of Bones - Both of these spells should now crit and stack (when cast by different casters).

Incineration と Conglaciation of Bones が、クリティカル対象になり、詠唱者が異なる場合もスタックもするようにした。これは、Incinerate Bones [LUCY] と Conglaciation of Bone [LUCY] のことを言っているんだと思う。TYPO するなや SOE ヨ…

Divine Intervention - This spell should now be reporting the amount of healing it delivers.

PAL の方、よろしく…

Healing Messages - The target of a healing spell will now get a message telling them the caster's name and the amount of healing they receive.

Priest 系の方、よろしく…

Reporting Damage Over Time - Damage over Time (DoT) done to NPCs will now be reported to the caster every time it does damage. These messages can be filtered in the Options window.

DoT の TICK 毎 DMG を表示するように修正した。いらなきゃ Option Window でフィルターしる。

Boon of the Garou - The level restriction for this spell has been removed. We have also fixed a bug with the spell that would prevent it from being cast on target that are not on a horse if the enchanter is on horseback (spell still cannot affect those on horseback).

Boon of the Garou のレベル制限をなくした。あと、馬に乗ってるプレイヤーが詠唱できなかったけど、修正した。

Wake of Karana - To improve the usefulness of this spell, we have lowered the recast time from 90 seconds to 15 seconds.

Wake of Karana の recast time を、90秒から15秒にした。

Beastlord Warders - Beastlords will once again be able to summon their warders in the Plane of Sky. Sorry for the delay in getting this one fixed properly.

BST が Plane of Sky で彼等の Warder を召喚できるように再度修正した。修正が遅れてゴメン。

Familiars - Familiars will no longer attempt to equip items. This was causing them to try to wear weapons inside their heads, which probably isn't a good thing for them to do.

WIZ の Familier が装備可能品を装備しないようにしたヨ。

Spirit spell line - We have added +75 dexterity to the effects of Spirit of Flame, Spirit of Rellic, and Spirit of Snow.

BST の Spirit of 〜 に DEX +75 の効果を付加したヨ。

Spell stacking and blocking - Changed the following spell lines to cause them to bounce off of each other. Each line should block everything from the other line, but still be overwritten by spells of the same line.

Spiritual Strength
Spiritual Brawn
Spiritual Vigor

Strength of Tunare
Strength of Nature

Brell's Mountainous Barrier
Brell's Stalwart Shield
Brell's Steadfast Aegis


  • Spiritual Strength
  • Spiritual Brawn
  • Spiritual Vigor
  • Strength of Tunare
  • Strength of Nature
  • Brell's Mountainous Barrier
  • Brell's Stalwart Shield
  • Brell's Steadfast Aegis

Cloak of 〜 無いジャン、DAMN …

Translocation spells - Fixed a bug with translocation spells. If a second translocation spell was cast on a character before he had accepted the first, both would fail.

Translocate 系のスペルを他人に詠唱した時に、ACCEPT か CANCEL 押す前に2回目の Translocate を詠唱すると、両方とも無効になってしまってたので修正した。

Spell casting pets - In the past, pets were restricted to casting spells of level 20 and below. We have given them access to higher level spells. You may want to be careful with them until you get used to their new abilities.

訳に自信が無いが… レベル20以降の(スペルを使える) PET 達に PET のレベルに応じた今までより HIGH LEVEL のスペルを使えるようにした。彼等の新しい能力を堪能してくれ。

Drunken Riders - We fixed an odd bug that allowed people who were extremely drunk to cast spells without mana cost while on a horse. Yes, crazy bugs like that actually happen.

泥酔した状態で馬に乗っていた場合、消費 MANA 0 でスペルが使えていたけど、もう修正しちゃったよ。って、これすげーバグだな… 誰だよ、試したヤツ =D

Great Divide - The Plane of Knowledge portal in the Great Divide will now be available when the Ring War is in progress.

10th RING WAR 中には PoK へのポータルが動かなかったけど、動くようにした。

Bastion of Thunder - We have upgraded the loot available from many of the mini-bosses in the Bastion of Thunder to make the reward more inline with the risk.

BoT の mini boss の DROP ITEM をリスクに対応する性能にしたよ。

Sol Ro's Tower - They look like frogs, hop like frogs and now they even react to spells like frogs. Flame Frogs are now flagged as animals.


Rallos Zek encounter - Rallos Zek will remove anyone from the zone that attacks him if they are not part of the raid that has him engaged. Even in war, there are rules to be followed.

Rallos Zek Ring を動作させた Raid Group に入っていないプレイヤーは、Rallos Zek に攻撃した時点で Zone Out させられるヨ。つまり、72人しか参加できねーってこと?

LoY "Fine Steel" - Many of the more commonly dropped weapons in the Legacy of Ykesha zones were a bit too powerful for the ease and level needed to get them. Some of the most out of line items were the Harpoon, Luggald Trident, and Luggald Dagger. We've decided that it is necessary to tune them down a bit.

LoY で DROP する Harpoon と Luggald Trident と Luggald Dagger は、性能の割に装備条件が無かったので、性能を落としたヨ。

The Hollow Acrylia Obelisk - This is the old Acrylia key. It has been changed into a charm. This charm can be used by anyone, not just those that own LoY.

The Hollow Acrylia Obelisk は CHARM SLOT の ITEM にしたよ。これは誰でも使えるし、LoY を購入していない場合でも使用可能。

Bows - The Longbow of the Grimlings and the Bow of Gloaming have both been given ranges. They can now be used properly.

The Longbow of the Grimlings と Bow of Gloaming に Range: のステータスを追加した。追加というか、Range を長くしたのかな?

The Burning Flame Shield - This item had the wrong resist modifiers. It now has a +30 fire resistance and a -10 cold resistance.

The Burning Flame Shield の SV STATUS が間違ってたヨ。SV FIRE +30 & SV COLD -10 が正解。なので、修正した。

Bazaar Search - Non-instrument items with instrument modifiers will now show up in instrument type searches in the Bazaar.

Bazaar で Instrument Modifier な ITEM を検索できるようにした。

Ornate Stone Medicine Totem - This item can now be equipped.

Ornate Stone Medicine Totem を装備できるようにしたヨ。

Storm Reaper Thorn Machete - This newbie Halfling quest weapon is now flagged as magical.

HFL の Newbie Quest 武器 Storm Reaper Thorn Machete に MAGIC 属性を付加したヨ。

Charm of the Brotherhood - This item will now give a bonus when grouped with others of either the same class or race.

Charm of the Brotherfood は、グループ内に同じ Race か Class が複数以上いる場合、その数に応じてステータスが増加するように修正した。つまり、今までは機能していなかったと。たしか、これ報告挙がったのが2月下旬位だったような気がする。

Dagger of Distraction - This item can no longer be used by Monks.

MNK は、もう Dagger of Distraction 装備できねーヨ。

Edge of Eternity - Beastlords and monks can no longer use this item.

MNK と BST は、もう Edge of Eternity を使えねーヨ。

Veil of Lost Hopes and Orb of Clinging Death - The casting times on both of these items has been lowered.

Veil of Lost Hopes と Orb of Clinging Death の cast time を短くしたヨ。

Magi`Kot's Pants of Convergence - The effect on this item has been changed to summon a Rod of Mystical Transvergance.

Magi`Kot's Pants of Convergence の Effect を Summon a Rod of Mystical Transvergance に変更した。つか、TYPO 多すぎ(げんなり)

Cloak of the Falling Skies - The focus effect this item has changed to Preservation of Solusek

Cloak of the Falling Skies の Effect を Preservation of Solusek に変更したヨ。

The Wristguard of Keen Vision - This item is now useable by int. casters.

The Wristguard of Keen Vision の装備可能クラスに INT キャスターを追加したヨ。

The Mask of Conceptual Energy - This item is now useable by priests.

The Mask of Conceptual Energy の装備可能クラスに PRIEST クラスを追加したヨ。

もっとたくさんあるけど、疲れたのでヤメ… 引用だけしておこう、気が向いたら意訳する。

Lifeburn - This ability would cause an undue amount of aggro to be generated because it would bring the caster to an extremely low number of hit points, making them look like tasty targets to enemies nearby. To lessen this problem, Lifeburn will no longer reduce the caster to 10 hit points, but to about one fourth of the caster's hit points. This should prevent the additional agro generated while retaining the risk for using the ability.

Feigned Minion - The Child of Bertoxxulous pet will no longer cast buff spells to break his feign when under the Feigned Minion effect.

Child of Bertoxxulous に /pet feign をさせた場合、Self Buff で feign が解除されてしまってたけど、これを修正したヨ。

Bankers - There were a few quests that required giving an item to a banker. When we recently removed the ability for characters to give items to bankers to help prevent mistakenly losing items, those quests became unavailable. We have moved those quests to new NPCs. If you see any other quests that ask you to give something to a banker, please use /bug and report it to us.

Newly Stackable Items - Valor Crystals, Ceramic Linings, Holgresh Fur and Casks are now stackable. Also, Valor Crystals can be sold to vendors.

Sewer Catfish - These unappetizing fish have begun to appear in Cabilis.

Klok Foob - Will now accept a Catfish Croak Sandwich.

Newbie Starting Locations - We've modified all locations where new characters start to make them a bit more convenient for the new player. They should all start very near their guild masters.

Nudging - New characters will be given a text message to encourage them to hand in their newbie note to their guild master. For new players, this is one of the key things to get them involved in gameplay, and one of the easiest to overlook.

Guild Masters - To help guide new characters, Guild Masters now take a more active role in helping out new recruits by directing them to some starting points for quests.

Quests - There are even more quests in the newbie zones, most of them revolving around the pests that seem to inhabit even the grandest cities.

We are working on an update to the Luclin player character model animations. This will not be a complete revamp of all the animations, but will address some of the most common concerns. However, in the mean time you may see some unusual animations, particularly when shorter PCs are running.

UI File Changes

NOTE: In order to see the new Shared Bank slots, you will need to use the default bank window, or modify your custom bank window to include the new slots.
