Patch Message of Test Server


The rather large download today is all about animations.

We have updated the Run, Walk and Turn animations for the Luclin models. As you can tell, new animations require a lot of data. We're sorry for the size of the update, but we think you'll like the changes.

Luclin Model の WALK/RUN のモデリングの改善。これは、昨日の時点で Live にも導入済。DEF Female の RUN は…


We have changed a few things with the way corpses are handled. There should be no changes to corpses at all due to this change. So please report anything unusual.


Tether Cam

We've added another camera to the game. This camera has been added to the end of the F9 chain (it's the 6th camera). This camera always looks at the player, and is dragged by the player when he exceeds the maximum tether distance. Mouselook controls the position and angle of the camera.


  1. 1人称視点
  2. 上方視点
  3. 3人称視点(後方)
  4. 3人称視点(南西)
  5. 3人称視点(南南東)

の視点を F9 でトグルできていたわけですが、新しく第6の視点が追加される。

Bard Spam

Bards will no longer get spammed when their AoE songs attempt to affect characters that are too low level.

BRD の AoE Song が spam になっている(多分、LV2 とか LV15 かな?)ことが多いけど、BRD のレベルが極端に低い場合、spam を受け取ることはないだろう?

Bards and Items

Bards have been able to use items that require components without using the component. We've decided to require the use of those components now. We are, however, looking into other solutions for the specific items where this is an issue, and this may not be a final solution. Note that items that instant cast do not use components (never have), and so very few items will be affected by this change.

BRD は、触媒が必要な ITEM (例えば MAG の PoK Gate Summon ITEM とか)を触媒無しで使えていたけど、これを修正する。


Treeform will now work in Luclin zones.

Luclin Zone で Treeform が使えるようになる。