Patch Message of Test Server


Information Gathering

You will soon notice a new dialogue box appear when you log in. We are asking you to let us gather a bit of information about your computer that will help us build the future of EverQuest.

The important thing here is that you can say no and we won't gather any information.

If you do accept, we'll gather CPU, RAM and video card information to help us evaluate and improve EverQuest. If you agree and then change your mind later, you can disable the feature under the Options tab (Alt-O)and then the General tab in game.

So when you see the new dialogue box appear, please read it over carefully and click whichever answer you feel most comfortable with.


先日に書いた H/W 情報収集の協力に関して

Mounts - Fixed a bug with mounts showing up with incorrect Luclin model settings. Mounts should now only show up when the Luclin models for the character race of the rider AND mounts/elementals are both on.


Tradeskill chance of failures changed - The higher your skill is over the trivial of the combine, the less likely your are to fail with a combine. This is a reduction on the chance to always fail.

Trade Skill での COMBINE 失敗率の調整

Direct Damage spell messages - Striking the killing blow with a direct damage spell will no longer show double cast on their spell messages

DD 関連のメッセージ変更、よーわからん

Target Group Buff - TGB will no longer work with any illusions.

Illusion していると Target Group Buff は使えない(なんで?)

Illusion - With Permanent Illusion, Levitation effects will no longer be stripped when zoning and gnome enchanters with a large-size illusion will no longer return to gnome size after zoning. And in general characters that are under the effect of a size-changing illusion should be seen by everyone.

Permanent Illusion 使用時に Levitate 系スペルが入っていると、Zone の際に装備品が見えなくなっていたことの修正。Grow をかけられていた Gnome の場合も、Zone した後は普通のサイズに戻る。

Enthrall spells - Enthrall spells will not un-stun the target when they wear off if there are other enthrall spells on that target. Also, when an enthrall spell breaks due to damage it will now remove all Enthrall spells, not just the first one it finds.

Enthrall からスタン効果を削除?よーわからん

Bow Graphics - Bows that have been autoequipped will now display a graphic.

Bow を Auto Equip Area に Drag & Drop した場合、ちゃんと見る事ができる。

Auto-inventory - Items right-clicked off your corpse will now be place into your inventory in the correct order.

死体を右クリックすると、装備品が自動的に適切な Inventory に装備される。DIABLO 2 みたいやな。

The creation of a group will now work from inside a raid.

Raid システムでのグループバグの修正

The group leaders group window will be properly updated if a group member's name is changed.
