Upcoming for October / November 2003 [eqlive.station.sony.com]


Here are some things we're working on for the November update: (Please note: my producer is making me tell you that in addition to this list, we'll still be bug fixing and maintaining the live game and that, while we hope to get each of these features in, nothing is certain. But this is what we're working on at the present time.)


New LDoN raids will go Live
We be moving the two new raids that were introduced on Stormhammer to the Live servers. These raids will prove an interesting challenge for the best of guilds.

Legend サーバに追加した New LDoN Raid テーマを、Live サーバにも追加する予定。

Another new LDoN raid
We will also be bringing one more new LDoN raid to Stormhammer with our next update. This raid will be created with Elemental capable characters in mind.

次回のパッチで、Legend サーバに New LDoN Raid テーマを追加予定。わかってるとは思うが、Elemental Plane あたりで遊んでるプレイヤーが対象だ。

Font changes
Since EverQuest was launched, there has only been one font available. With the next update we plan to introduce the option for players to choose the font for their interface.

EverQuest リリース以来、1種類のフォントしか提供していなかったけど、次回のパッチでフォントが選択できる機能を提供したいと思う。

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell which NPC you have targeted. With the next update we hope to add a targeting indicator of some sort (something like the ring that surrounds your target in EQOA). The exact form hasn't been decided, but the goal is to make seeing what you currently have targeted much easier.


Along the same lines as the proposed improvement to targeting, we want to add a way to distinguish the /con color of your target. We plan an indicator that will be easily distinguished once you have a target (probably someplace in the Target window), that should remove the need to use the /con command.

現在の Consider のカラーを Target Window にインプリメントして、/con コマンドを廃止する予定。この変更で、現在のターゲットのレベル把握等が簡単かつ迅速に行えるようになるだろうと思う。

Other interface changes
We are also working on some other changes that will help you to organize your information. We plan to add a new text color option for damage shield reports that will allow you to pick what color those messages use. We also want to split the "My Pet Attacks" filter into two separate filters, one for hits and one for misses.

Damage Shield メッセージに色を設定できるようにする予定。あと、Pet Melee メッセージも Hit と Miss で分けられるようにする予定。

/tell windows
It is very easy to lose /tells in the confusion of combat. We want to add an option that would work much like an instant messenger. Each time you get a "tell" from a new character, a new chat window would open. That window will only display "tells" from the particular character, and any message sent from the chat window would automatically be sent as a "tell" to that character. Obviously this would be an optional feature.

戦闘中に tell 来ると見過ごしがちだよな。だから、tell が来たら tell 用の Window をポップアップできるようなオプションを設定できるようにしたいと思う。勿論、その Window で入力したメッセージは、自動的に tell した相手への返事となる。

Help for new players
New characters will start with a bag. This will give them a little more storage space and the opportunity to learn how storage containers work earlier rather than later. We are also working on removing one of the more tedious "features" of the game, the need to practice Sense Heading. Most folks have that skill mapped to trigger along with one of their movement keys. Not an exciting skill to practice. So we plan to have all characters start with a 200 skill in Sense Heading. This will allow new players to navigate more easily, and will reduce a bit of tedium over the course of gameplay.

新規作成されたキャラが1つのバッグを持つように変更する予定。このことにより、少しのアイテムスロットを提供できるし、バッグの使い方を自分で理解することができるようになるだろう。あと、Sense Heading なんだけど、将来的に新規作成されたキャラの Sense Heading が最初から (200) の状態でスタートさせようかと考えてる。