Melee Enhancement Q&A []

Q: I'm still confused about Endurance. Will it completely replace Stamina? How will that affect swimming?

A: Yes, Endurance will completely replace Stamina. Some of the occasions that used Stamina in the old system will no longer require the expenditure of a resource. For example, swimming will no longer use a resource.

Q: Endurance って Stamina と入れ替え?
A: YES、そして従来の Stamina を使用していたスキルは Stamina を必要としなくなる。例えば、Swimming が Stamina を使用しなくなるようにね。

Q: If jumping costs Endurance, and only melee classes and hybrids have Endurance... won't that be a problem for casters when they want to jump?

A: All classes get an Endurance bar and an Endurance pool. So everyone can still jump.

Q: もし Jump が Endurance を消費するなら、Melee と Hybrid 以外が Jump できなくなるんでないの? Caster 達はどうすればいい?
A: 全ての Class が Endurance bar と Endurance pool を保持している。だから、全ての Class が Jump できるわけさ。

Q: I understand that the new combat skills and all disciplines will use Endurance, and that's why Endurance won't be affected by any spells that currently affect Stamina. But why remove the Stamina effects from those spells? Some classes gain some value to their group through the use of those spells.

A: Since we are removing Stamina, there won't be any value to spells that affect Stamina.
There will be additional spells added that modify Endurance. Right now these will be buffs that increase your total pool. We are not planning on adding any that would regenerate the pool. These spells will be tuned to balance the ability to aid in the return of Endurance. Just exchanging the Stamina effects with Endurance effects wouldn't allow us any control over the balance of the new system and its interaction with spells. It hasn't been decided which classes will get those spells yet, but obviously we'll be taking into consideration the effects of the changes to the existing spells might have on caster desirability.

Q: 全ての Combat Skill と discipline が Endurance を消費することは理解できた。だけど、従来の Spell 等で Stamina 回復や Stamina 消費を抑えるものがあるけど、それらは Endurance に置き換えられるの?
A: Stamina が削除されたら、それらの Spell 等の Stamina 関連の効果は意味を持たなくなるね。Endurance pool 増加用 Spell は新規追加する予定で、Endurance 回復用 Spell は追加の予定は無い。Endurance に関しては、バランスのチューニングが必要だとは認識しているし、どの Class の既存 Spell に Endurance 用の効果を与えるかも考察の余地が残されているよ Caster が必要とできる(訳注: この Spell 欲しいぜ!と思える)ようにね。(このへん翻訳むずかすい)

Q: Will NPCs be using these new abilities?

A: Not at this time. Frankly, there's a lot of work involved in allowing NPCs to use these abilities, and it would have a rather wide-spread effect on the challenge of those NPCs that would be complicated to evaluate. So we're only giving this to PCs.

Q: NPC も new abilities を使うようになる?
A: 今回は PC のみ。NPC が new abilities を使えるようにするには、多大な作業量が必要なんで。

Q: There seems to be some confusion about how these new skills will be used. Will we be clicking a button on the screen with our mouse, or can we make hotbuttons with the new skills and just press a key to activate them?

A: You will be able to click on the icons, use hotbuttons in your hotbutton box or access a melee skills box only for these abilities through CTRL+ #.

Q: new skills を使うためには、画面上に表示されたボタンをマウスでクリックすればできるらしいけど、hotbutton から使えるようにできない?
A: そう、アイコンをマウスでクリックでもいいし、hotbutton でも使えるようにする。また Ctrl/#(1〜0) で ability を直接使えるようにする。

Q: You mentioned that you are making some other changes to melee, including giving warriors an automatic mitigation percentage. Will PC warriors of all levels get this ability?

A: PC warriors of all levels will gain the mitigation boost.

Q: melee class には、より恩恵を与えるんだよね。例えば WAR は自動的に被DMG軽減が与えられるようだけど、この ability は LV いくつから有効になる?
A: プレイヤーが操作する WAR は、どのレベルでも被DMG軽減が有効になる。

Q: These changes look very interesting. But some of us are concerned that these changes might overbalance things. What steps are you taking to keep the balance pendulum from swinging too far toward the pure melee classes?

A: We'll be testing this system on the Test server until it goes Live. The big advantage of the system is the flexibility. Adjusting it won't require days of programmer time. If we discover that a facet of the new skills is over or under powered, we can adjust it.

Q: 今回の変更は大変重要なものと感じるけど、オーバーバランスになる可能性もあるよね。どうやって pure melee class のバランスを取っていく?
A: 現在、テストサーバでテストしているし、このシステムは順応性も高い。もし、アンバランスだと認識したら、ちゃんと調整するよ。

Q: Regarding the new discipline system using Endurance: will it be possible to stop a disc midway through its use when it doesn't make sense to keep it up, in order to save some Endurance?

A: Yes, you will be able to stop a discipline while it is active. If you cancel a discipline, however, you must still wait the normal recharge time before using it again.

Q: new discipline システムが Endurance を消費するということを考慮すると、discipline 消費を抑えるために、discipline を途中で Cancel できると Endurance 消費が抑えられて良いと思うんだけど。
A: そう、君は Active な discipline を途中で Cancel できるようになる。ただし、Cancel しても再使用時間が短くなったりはしないよ。

Q: You mentioned that these new skills will be learned by finding ancient tomes. Will these tomes be No Drop?

A: Right now the plan is to introduce them as droppable. There may be some tomes that result from special quests that are no-drop in the future.

Q: スキル習うための tomes は NO DROP
A: droppable、クエストの報酬として貰えるような tome は NO DROP になると思う。