
Spell Changes of Test Server [LUCY]

BRD20 の Cassindra's Chant of Clarity も 3 tick のバフソングへ… BRD の方々のこれからの御苦労が目に浮かびますのう…

Grimror's Armor vs Plane of Time Armor [revised]

HELM Grimror's Helm of the Plagues [LUCY] Helm of Flowing Time [Triton] ARMS Grimror's Sleeves of the Plagues [LUCY] Armguards of the Brute [Triton] WRIST Grimror's Bracer of the Plagues [LUCY] Bracer of Precision [Triton] Wristband of Ech…

SHD 武器の DPS 比較

THE STEEL WARRIOR の unbuffed DPS スレ [THE STEEL WARRIOR] を読んでみたですヨ こうして見てみると、Cudgel of Venomous Hatred (・∀・)イイ武器なんだなぁと… Shield of Strife と Pauldrons of Devastation で BASH DMG + すれば、そこそこの 2H 並に…