Grimror's Armor vs Plane of Time Armor [revised]


  • Grimror's Armor of the Plagues
    AC:355 STR+96 STA+95 DEX+82 AGI+88 INT+93 HP+1025 MANA+920 SVM+75 SVF+85 SVC+65 SVP+85 SVD+55
  • Plane of Time Armor
    AC:353 STR+110 STA+90 DEX+70 AGI+68 WIS+136 INT+100 CHA+81 HP+1285 MANA+1165 SVM+123 SVF+65 SVC+93 SVP+30 SVD+138

Plane of Time の Bracer が、Quarm DROP 以外(・∀・)イイのが無くて辛いですな…